Saturday, July 05, 2008

I Am A Failure

So, what else is new? I just can't seem to get on top of keeping this blog up to date. I am over six months out of date now and there are tons of entries to be made! Birthdays, Mothers and Fathers Day, camping trips, European trips, and just great happenings in our lives! But I can't seem to have the two or three days to do the downloading of photos on the blog---thats what takes a long time...

So, I guess I am saying all this so that if any of my five readers check here to see something new, and there is the same ole, same ole things----please be patient with me.

I will get to it someday----after all, I should eventually slow down and have a few days on my hands in

Wish me luck.


Mom n Pop Wilson said...

I can relate! At least you keep up with one of them.

sh said...

glad to see that you are busy and staying out of trouble.

wwjdctr said...

A mother can't do everything. Whe you try your best that's all that counts. Your profile is public so more than just your 5 people read your blogs (like me!). :) My blogspot is titled "Cannon Clan" as that's my family. I was just playing around in google and found yours and decided to browse about another Cannon Clan. :) Perhaps we are related in some way. I also noticed in your blogs that if you aren't LDS, you are exposed to the religion pretty well. We are LDS. :) My email is Feel free to send me an email. Perhaps we can compare information from the Cannon side of the geneological line!

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

I get ya Shawn... it's hard to keep up on everything!!! Take a break, we are always around!

Karin Katherine said...

It takes a little bit of time to find your blogging groove. Hang in there.