Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Birthdays, Birthdays, Birthdays...

Aydan, excited for his birthday party!

...Opening one of his many presents...

Aydan with our great friends, Rita McConnon, and her two boys,
Andrew and Coleman Brinna, Aydan, and Brinna's fiance, Michael
Aydan, with lots of stuff!...Mom (Shawn) definitely spoils him!The really COOL pinata!

It was a Star Wars party, and Clayton came without a mask... heh, heh
Aydan, ready to blow out his candles... Clayton put his regular face mask on for Maryn and Brinna's party!

Maryn is excited by her new sketch book from Aydan...

....And its always great to get gift certificates from her stepdad, Bret

An art book from Mom, with Brinna and Aydan joining in...
Aydan picked out a set of glasses for Brinna's cool apartment! Brinna shares the love of reading from her Mom....yeah!
Maryn and Brinna blowing out the 44 candles on the "cake batter"
ice cream cake.....mmmmmm....yummy...
Ahhhh, tis the season for birthdays in our house... First, Aydan turned a big 6 years old, then a mere week later, Maryn turned a sophisticated 18! The next week, Brinna, my second daughter, had her birthday. She turned all of 26 years old and got engaged to boot! What a eventful year its starting to be! We had a party for Aydan, complete with a pinata and then the following week had a party for Maryn and Brinna---combined....poor babies....they always have to have combined birthday parties! It was a lot of fun, though, and I enjoyed being able to hang with my kids for a few days...


Anonymous said...

Looks like you had lots of fun celebrating those birthday parties! Thanks for letting us know about the update. Congratulations to Brinna on her engagement! Janene

Brinna said...

Thank you Janene!

And I don't really mind so much sharing birthdays with Maryn... But if you asked me to share a birthday with Hailey? NOOOO WAAAY!

(Note to the Editor: That's Maryn's boyfriend Jake in the Star Wars mask... Not Clayton!)

Shawn said...

...and does it matter who is who...really?

I wouldn't dare say that Jake, Maryn's boyfriend, came with out his mask on... :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Brinna! When is the big day?

Maryn, Happy Birthday...I think that you need to come visit me in D.C. or let's meet in NYC.

Aydan, Happy Birthday...you are so adorable!!

Shawn, the pics and commentary are great...hope you are surviving the crazy month. Hope to talk soon.

Bret, my birthday is in May. Just teasing!!

Clayton, how are you? You look great with or without a mask...

Hailey said...

Brinna! Wha? I'm a fun person--what would be so bad about partying with me? And you should be nicer to the person who gave you Captain Mal for your b-day! Sheesh!

Brinna said...

Sharyn - Thanks! And it won't be until next Spring most likely... :)

Hailey - It has nothing to do with your partay skills... I was merely referring to your "May is MYYYYY month" attitude as a teenager...

I would gladly share a birthday with you now, if you would have me! Who else can I share strange TV obsessions with?

Anonymous said...

I loved all the pics and wish I could say we had a piniata at Toni's. That is a good idea though. I would like to take her to Mexico for her next birthday. Congrats to Brinna.

At least ya dont have bdays in December, that really blows!